Run-time Flags

NOTE: Gaggle support was temporarily removed as of Goose 0.17.0 (see Use Goose 0.16.4 if you need the functionality described in this section.

  • --manager: starts a Goose process in Manager mode. There currently can only be one Manager per Gaggle.
  • --worker: starts a Goose process in Worker mode. How many Workers are in a given Gaggle is defined by the --expect-workers option, documented below.
  • --no-hash-check: tells Goose to ignore if the load test application doesn't match between Worker(s) and the Manager. This is not recommended, and can cause the application to panic.

The --no-metrics, --no-reset-metrics, --no-status-codes, and --no-hash-check flags must be set on the Manager. Workers inherit these flags from the Manager

Run-time Options

  • --manager-bind-host <manager-bind-host>: configures the host that the Manager listens on. By default Goose will listen on all interfaces, or
  • --manager-bind-port <manager-bind-port>: configures the port that the Manager listens on. By default Goose will listen on port 5115.
  • --manager-host <manager-host>: configures the host that the Worker will talk to the Manager on. By default, a Goose Worker will connect to the localhost, or In a distributed load test, this must be set to the IP of the Goose Manager.
  • --manager-port <manager-port>: configures the port that a Worker will talk to the Manager on. By default, a Goose Worker will connect to port 5115.

The --users, --startup-time, --hatch-rate, --host, and --run-time options must be set on the Manager. Workers inherit these options from the Manager.

The --throttle-requests option must be configured on each Worker, and can be set to a different value on each Worker if desired.