
Best Practices

  • When writing load tests, avoid unwrap() (and variations) in your transaction functions -- Goose generates a lot of load, and this tends to trigger errors. Embrace Rust's warnings and properly handle all possible errors, this will save you time debugging later.
  • When running your load test, use the cargo --release flag to generate optimized code. This can generate considerably more load test traffic. Learn more about this and other optimizations in "The golden Goose egg, a compile-time adventure".



By default, Goose will time out requests that take longer than 60 seconds to return, and display a WARN level message saying, "operation timed out". For example:

11:52:17 [WARN] "/node/3672": error sending request for url (http://apache/node/3672): operation timed out

These will also show up in the error summary displayed with the final metrics. For example:

 === ERRORS ===
 Count       | Error
 51            GET (Auth) comment form: error sending request (Auth) comment form: operation timed out

To change how long before requests time out, use --timeout VALUE when starting a load test, for example --timeout 30 will time out requests that take longer than 30 seconds to return. To configure the timeout programatically, use .set_default() to set GooseDefault::Timeout.

To completely disable timeouts, you must build a custom Reqwest Client with GooseUser::set_client_builder. Alternatively, you can just set a very high timeout, for example --timeout 86400 will let a request take up to 24 hours.

Debugging HTML Responses

Sometimes, while developing and debugging a load test we'd like to view HTML responses in a browser to actually see where each request is actually taking us. We may want to run this test with one user to avoid debug noise.

We can create a debug log by passing the --debug-log NAME command line option.

Each row in the debug log defaults to a JSON object and we can use jq for processing JSON or the faster Rust port that supports the same commands jaq

To extract the HTML response from the first log entry, for example, you could use the following commands:

cat debug.log | head -n 1 | jaq -r .body > page.html

This HTML page can then be viewed in a web browser. You may need to disable JavaScript.