Scneario Log

Goose can optionally log details about each time a scenario is run during a load test. To enable, add the --scenario-log <scenario.log> command line option, where <scenario.log> is either a relative or absolute path of the log file to create. Any existing file that may already exist will be overwritten.

Logs include the entire ScenarioMetric object which is created each time any scenario is run.

Log Format

By default, logs are written in JSON Lines format. For example:


In the first line of the above example, GooseUser thread 7 ran the complete AnonBrowsingUser scenario in 1,287 milliseconds. In the fifth line GooseUser thread 8 succesfully ran the AuthBrowsingUser transaction in 13,056 milliseconds.

The --scenario-format option can be used to log in csv, json (default), raw or pretty format. The raw format is Rust's debug output of the entire ScenarioMetric object.

For example, csv output of similar transactions as those logged above would like like:


Gaggle Mode

When operating in Gaggle-mode, the --scenario-log option can only be enabled on the Worker processes, configuring Goose to spread out the overhead of writing logs.